The COVID-19 pandemic: zoonotic diseases from wildlife trade & consumption and intensive livestock farming

Thursday 23 April, 10:00 - 11:30
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COVID-19 pandemic: zoonotic diseases from wildlife trade & consumption and intensive livestock farming

Prof Dr Herwig Leirs
University of Antwerp, Belgium, Department of Biology, Evolutionary Ecology Group
Prof Dr Thijs Kuiken
Erasmus University Medical Center, Netherlands Viroscience, infectious diseases between humans, livestock and wildlife
Prof Dr Frank Pasmans
Ghent University, Belgium Veterinary bacteriology and mycology, reptile and amphibian diseases
Prof Em Dr Roel Coutinho
Universities of Amsterdam and Utrecht, Netherlands, Epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases
Philip Elders
Youth Delegate of the WHO Netherlands, Planetary health and infectious diseases
Assoc Prof Dr Peter Li
East Asian Politics ,University of Houston-Downtown & China Policy Specialist, Humane Society International